Perfect for everyone who loves to get a "taste" of nature and history when they travel through breathtaking landscapes

Enjoying good company and food

All downhill

7-day cycling tour from Sinis (Oristano) to Cagliari, along the South Coast of Sardinia
A specially-designed 280 km tour to visit an extraordinary part of Sardinia


Programma Meeting Regolamento Partenze

Some of the natural sights included: Flora and fauna of ponds. WWF and LIPU bird and animal sanctuaries. The Giara and its ponies. The Marmilla. Sulcis and its small islands. The rugged coastline and the white beaches of the South Coast of Sardinia.
Historical sites will include: Tharros, the nuraghi and their fortresses, Nora, Mount Sirai, Sanluri.
Cities and towns to be visited on the tour include: Oristano, Iglesias, S. Antioco, Cagliari.

For details and information contact us by e-mail or fax +39(0)2 700 33 150
We provide supplementary accomodations if requested


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Watch how the sea changes from pale blue to deep blue and turquoise in colour. Enjoy the rugged basalt coastline peppered with the nests of cormorants and shags. Immerse yourself in the strongly-perfumed Mediterranean vegetation: rosemary, lentisk, myrtle, helichrisum, cistus and thyme.
See the small natural pools of water, the remains of the tenacious working of the seawaves, blown by the maelstrom breaking onto the lava coast: the green lagoons teeming with fish. Sunbathe on extra-fine sand scattered by the wind to form desert dunes or take refuge from the sun in green oasis dotted with dwarf palm trees.
In the hinterland, a bit further off, see the marshes with wonderful waltzing flamingos and soaring marsh harriers. And maybe you will see the rarely-sighted purple gullinule. Or the Audouin's gull.
You can visit antique ruins, which witnessed past civilizations. They, too, appreciated the natural landing places of this coast on the way to the Balearic Islands and Spain, an extraordinary evocation of the past.
Admire immense expanses of harvested field and fisheries.
Explore an incredible piece of history: the Judicate of Arborea, Eleanor, a female judge who is perhaps the most prominent character of the Sardinian Middle Ages. She was an extreme defendant of the island's national independence and provided the experience of government by a woman, probably the only one in the whole of Europe at that time.

This is our starting point and we believe it is no small thing.
And it will be only the beginning!

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Summary Program

Sardinia's Tour Map

1st day (30 km). Sinis flora and fauna I : the coast from Putzu Idu to Tharros.
2nd day (30km) Sinis flora and fauna II: from Cabras to Oristano.
3rd day (48 km) The Campidano: from Oristano to San Nicolò d’Arcidano along the Bonifica di Sassu (Arborea) and the fishery of Marceddì .
4th day (54 km) The Giara and the Marmilla: from Villanovaforru to Sanluri.
5th day (57 km) From Campidano to Sùlcis e the Sulcis islands.
6th day (59 km) The South Coast and Nora.
7th day (10 km) Nora and the National Archaeological Museum (Cagliari).

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Meeting point: Oristano

Means of transport to reach ORISTANO

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Meridiana - Lufthansa - AirDolomiti

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Tirrenia   - Navarma  - Moby Lines - Sardinia Ferries

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Trenitalia - Ferrovie della Sardegna

ARST (Azienda Regionale Sarda Trasporti) - Granturismo Pani

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Ente Sardo Industrie Turistiche
Via Mameli, 97 Cagliari

NUMERO VERDE from Italy: 800-013153

from abroad: +(39)0706023341
fax +(39)070660719

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By italiainbici ®

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